We're excited to be partnering with Place Support Partnership to help save levy paying businesses money on their business costs.

This includes savings on new contracts, advice on navigating the cost-of-doing business crisis, and how to achieve the best value on essential services like gas, water, insurance, electricity, telecoms and merchant fees.

The team will be in the city centre along with our City Centre Ambassador, Terry, on 12th September and have appointments available to help support you to: 
  • Improve cashflow
  • Improve profitability
  • Free up capital to invest
  • Become cost efficient
 Email to find out more and to book your free 1-2-1 appointment.



In October 2023, we introduced a new welcome pack that our City Centre Ambassador could hand to new businesses that open within the Business Improvement District.

The pack contains a wealth of information that new business owners in the BID area may need to know, including useful contacts and our latest newsletter, an introduction to Peterborough Positive and a welcome from our Board of Directors.

If you're a new business in the BID area and haven't yet received your welcome pack, email


After being without a city centre map for so long, Peterborough Positive decided to create their own - free for all to use - to help visitors find anything from a car park or taxi rank to the nearest tourist information or WC.

To encourage people to spend longer in our centre, we’ve also detailed the names and locations of every blue plaque in the area,along with fun facts and background details on eight historical buildings across the city centre.

The maps are available from the Tourist Information Centre at Peterborough Museum and the Town Hall, or available for digital download here.


One of the BID's main priorities is to make the city center a cleaner and safer place, so the Peterborough Positive team have organised a weekly clean-up of the city centre, with help from Peterorough's Community Payback team.

Every Friday, the team are out and about focusing on a different area in the centre, litter picking, cleaning grafitti, removing stickers, weeding, and more. This is an ongoing project that is already making a huge difference to the appearance of Peterborough city centre.


To bring some of the beauty back to Cathedral Square and its adjoining spaces since the removal of flower troughs and hanging baskets, we launched our new flower planter project, Flower Power!, in May 2023.

We lead a collaborative initiative with St John’s Church, HMP Peterborough, West Town Primary Academy, Marshfields School and Peterborough City Council, to create a colourful space to eat, drink and shop once again.

You can read more on the project here.